Coverage Plans
We know how important and valuable your motor vehicle is to you, and you’ve worked so hard to achieve and maintain it.
While we are super careful with our vehicles, we also know and understand that collisions do happen, and AutoSmart has considered these collisions and we have created coverage plans to protect you.
Are you between the ages of 17 and 65? Did you get your driving licence recently? Do you have a spotty driving record? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions and are looking to get insurance, come talk to AutoSmart.

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(876) 632-8260

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(876) 553-4838
Our coverage options include:

Our comprehensive motor policy provides you with coverage for your vehicle, as well as damage to someone else’s property. It also provides you with protection in the event of bodily injury or death to other persons.

Third Party Only
With our cost effective Third Party Policy, you’re protected from loss against someone else’s property; there is no cover for damage to your vehicle.

Third Party, Fire and Theft
With our Third Party, Fire and Theft Policy, you’re covered in the unfortunate case of a fire or theft in addition to protection from loss against someone else’s vehicle.