Our comprehensive motor policy provides you with coverage for your vehicle as well as damage to someone else’s property. It also provides you with protection in the event of bodily injury or death to other persons.

Third Party Only
With our cost effective Third Party Policy, you’re protected from loss against someone else’s property; there is no cover for damage to your vehicle.

Third Party, Fire and Theft
With our Third Party, Fire and Theft Policy, your covered in the unfortunate case of a fire or theft in addition to protection from loss against someone else’s vehicle.

Why choose the AutoSmart Public Commercial Vehicle Product?
Taking large amounts of goods in a big truck (over 10 tonnes) across our island’s road networks? Then Public Commercial Vehicle coverage is for you.
Your vehicle is more than a mode of transport, it is the backbone of your livelihood. AutoSmart offers quick resolution of claims for damage due to accidental damage or collision.